Here are all the pictures I took. I'll highlight a few below, but if you want to look through the entire group click the link.
Lafayeti Rally PicsThree of us left Radium City a little later than planned friday night.

We rolled into Lafayette around 10:30. We immediately unloaded the bikes and headed for the pinball arcade. There were a few people hanging around, but not many. So, we hit up Lafayette Brewing for a couple of beers.
When we got back to Phil’s house that night we heard there was a group of people heading out for a LONG night ride. Since we arrived a little late for the other night rides, we decided to join this one. It was definitely worth it. There were lots of fast bikes on the ride and destination was amazing. We basically rode way out into the country (~15 miles) and parked at the base of one of the windmills. I have never been that close to one of those before. We have a bunch of them around here, but I haven’t taken the time to stop and see them up close. I had no idea they were so loud. It was a little creepy being that close…it was the combination of the huge size, the red glow of the light, and the fact that we were in the middle of nowhere.
On the way back into town from there, on a pitch black country road, we hit a cooler patch of air and my bike didn’t like that. It immediately soft seized with no warning. Damn. Fortunately, Rich, one of the Lafayetis, was nice enough to stop and make sure I was ok. I really had no idea what I was going to do. We were miles from anywhere and it was probably 2:30 AM. He suggested that I jump on my bike and he would push me back into town. Push me?! Really?! Sure enough…his bike was a champ and it managed to haul him, me, and my bike the 3-ish miles back to town. Crazy! Thanks again, Rich.
Here’s his bike:

The next morning I took my metra 65 apart to find this:

It wasn’t that bad, so I cleaned it up, made sure the rings weren’t stuck, and put it back together.
Kyle’s hobbit also had some issues, so he pulled his carb and cleaned it up.

Best chase van ever. It could use a bigger idle jet though.

The long ride started at the park on Saturday morning.

I made it about ½ way through this ride and the bike seized again. It was lonely when the pack of ~50 bikes left me. Again, I had no idea where I was or what I was going to do. Fortunately, Brian, another Lafayeti, stopped by to make sure the van was going to pick me up.

Loading more bikes, including our 2nd Radium City breakdown, in the chase van.

Swimming hole:

Seb’s bike broke down right as he rolled into that park. Instead of admitting defeat and riding in the chase van, he opted to ride dubs with Justin on basically a stock Maxi. I’m not sure how they got separated from the group, but they ended up hanging with us the rest of the afternoon. It was super funny to watch those guys.

Pizza back at Rich’s place:

Phil making Mountain Dew Baja Blast:

Raffle items:

We won the raffle tickets themselves, which will be great for our rally:

Playing stumps:

Since all of our bikes were broken down at this point, none of us attended the adventure ride. Instead we took all of the drunk people to the Ben Hur.

There we played pool and drank PBR for several more hours.

Overall we had a fantastic trip. The Lafayetis were great hosts and I don’t think it could have worked out much better than it did, despite our bike issues. We will definitely go back!