Wednesday, January 26, 2011

traded the hobbit for a garelli ssxl

A local friend of mine has wanted a hobbit ever since his friend got one and quickly smoked his e50 while pulling away from a stop sign...variators will do that to you. Well, when he heard that I found one, he offered up his other bike to me, which is the garelli ssxl that you see here. I know that hobbit isn't the fast one, but thanks to the link that Responsible Jon posted, he should be able to make it fast in no time.

This is the first top tank I have had. I really like it...the color, the seat, the bars, the factory tool set, and the front rack...all very cool.


  1. hey, how'd that 12 tuner tail light work on your 6v system on your pinto? i'm looking to get a light like that and i'm running 6v system as well.

  2. hey, did you every get that 12v tail light to work right on your pinto? i ordered what i believe is the same one from treats and i'll be running it off a 6v system, so just wanna hear your experience

  3. I didn't, but I haven't had a chance to play with it either. It's been in storage for the last few months. I've been trying to read as many LED threads as possible to see what I can figure out, but a lot of them just turn into arguing with no straight forward answer. Let me know what you figure out.
