Sunday, April 17, 2011

points adjusting tool

I don't know about you, but I always used to dread adjusting points through that small window in the flywheel. You can never get the screwdriver flat on the screw that you need to loosen and you can never get the feeler gauge in there. And even if you do, you can't really tell if you got the gap set up properly or if you just moved the spring on the points enough to get the feeler gauge in there and the actual gap is only half of what it should be. Well, I had enough of that.

I picked up this $10 crusty flywheel on moped army.


I then cut out he middle section to use as a mock flywheel.


Now I have all kinds of access for adjusting points.


I finished off my work by putting degree tape on the actual flywheel. I'm planning to adjust the timing on the pinto this week with a timing light, in hopes of getting it to run better.


1 comment:

  1. Hey do you have a file for a print off of that degree tape? Great idea on the flywheel
